Wednesday, January 4, 2012

im thankful for techno.

so, this week after working late already i have come home to watch Passion 2012. my bed time this week has been about 2am. its been good. i've been to Passion a couple of times (i'm about to be 30 so that means i can't go anymore..i'm to old) and conferences like these really get you excited about heaven. 45,000 people worshiping the ONE true God. whoo hooo. its exciting.

i've learned that there are 27 million slaves in the world today. that's more than history.ever. the leaders of Passion are challenging everyone to raise 1 million $. some think its impossible. i'm going to believe it. there are 6 different organizations that they're raising the $ for. i'm going to join them and be apart of something to raise awareness of slavery in the world today. please join me?

my goodness. as i'm writing this. i'm listening/watching session 4. i just watched, with tears streaming down my face, musicians (from all over the world) sing "how great is our God" in their own language. holy moly. just a little bit of heaven. it was BEAUTIFUL.

here are some truths/notes that i've taken over the last couple sessions.

*on the alter of our praise let there be no other name--JESUS son of GOD.
*the Cross was enough.
*how i love YOU, love YOU JESUS.
*Christ deserves every single ounce of who I am.
*link up with HIS purposes on Earth
*don't deny the power that raised Jesus from the dead.
*let Jesus do His power.
*the enemy wants to bury me-but based in the authority of who Jesus is- there are not going to be any funeral arrangements. JESUS came to raise us up!
*Jesus is here for us.
*beauty for ashes.
*awake sleeper and rise from the dead.
*Jesus doesn't condemn. He stretches out His hands and touches.
*Jesus is the gospel.
*we can be alive in Him.
*what the law was powerless to do. Jesus did it.
*YOU revive me.
*all my deserts are rivers of JOY.
*YOU are the treasure i could not afford.
*i'm alive.
*the war is has come.Your love has won.
*Your will.Your way.its my joy to say.
*daughter, your faith has made you well, go in peace- Jesus...Luke 8:43-48
*He stopped long enough for her.
*you can not go unnoticed.
*He made himself available.
*He made her clean.
*He came so that He could be touchable.
*let us draw near.
*Hes the master. we can't explain everything.
*you're faith has made you well.
*reach out and grab hold.
*clean me.
*Jesus is going to use rescued people to rescue people.
*we are His workmanship.
*we are saved by grace for a purpose.
*how can i be used?
*He set me free--how can i make a difference?
*we don't need to fear what HE defeated.
*don't fear the darkness, take the light into the darkness.
*the enemy is NOT going to win.
*show me what i can do, i have a responsibility. for Your glory.
*Your river carries me home.


turn your eyes upon JESUS.

1 comment:

pepper said...

awesome and amazing jess, God's word is a LIGHT unto our PATH!! i love you so!


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so. im simple. its not about me, all the time i find that when i get in the way of what the Lord is trying to do...things get messed up. i try to love on others. i have great friends that i am very proud of and my family is the iron that sharpens me.